Global Edu Infotama is one of training provider that based in jakarta, Indonesia, this company suddenly called me for help to provide lecture about android development application, it was a pleasure for me but I have bit worried as has been a long time not provide lecture about it.
On the next day, I have another worried as almost all of my friend who their place I used to stay not available again to stay. Fortunately I found new friend, his name is joy and we graduate from same school, yeah of course his younger than me :D, his stay at marina apartment ancol, that place is very nice view with swimming pool on the ground floor but because I didn't bring short pant so I wasn't used it.

On the first day, I made a mistake as I came late to training spot, the head of global edu seem like disappointed with me, but Actually I have prepared but because of traffic I could't make it. When I arrived I still need to wait for another member :D. after all of the member have arrived, I had a big problem that was all of computer's member couldn't run the code of program, there were many things need to be downloaded in order to run the code. after more 2 hours later all of computer ready to be used and you know one of the cause because the computer wasn't connected to internet :D. So on the first day we were spend almost all day just for waiting.
On the second day, I was slept at hotel near training spot, it was not my plan actually as the night before I spent all night hanging around jakarta just to find food place and talked some stories :D. In the morning I was breakfast and start ordered a car using grab app and arrived at 8 AM early morning even the administration staff had not came yet. Unfortunately the head of global edu didn't realized I had came around and messaged me to being quickly, I told her I had already in and she was surprise because his staff told her different and finally she was sorry about that :D. after finish training I had good feedback from members, the felt like I had much experiences making android app, yeah I proud of that :D. ok guys, this is my story may be bored but I just want to share and practise my english, hope you enjoy it. see you in my next story bye bye.